EU-Commercial Register Butjadingen

EU-Commercial Register

from 19,--€ (22,61 € VAT included)
Trade register from Spain, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Latvia, England and Switzerland send by email as an PDF-file.


After placing your order, you will receive an e-mail with a complete, official and up-to-date extract from the respective district court as a PDF file for printing.
If we can't find it, the information is free.


Payment method

Total fee for these services is 0,00 (19% VAT included)

Your information

* We expressly point out that our offer is aimed exclusively at professional users. These customers accordingly we generally use Net prices. All prices given here are therefore always add 19% VAT. Our current range of individuals can be found in our people information service for the residents' registration office. In monitoring the commercial you get the changes normally associated with publication, for technical reasons, but a maximum of 30 days from publication.

You have the right to terminate your contract within two weeks after the contract without giving any reason. During this period it reaches the timely dispatch of a statement to the , Allinger Str 85, 82178 Puchheim The right of withdrawal expires at the moment, the register your request to the competent court in forwards (which is usually within less than 24 hours after the order is done).
EU-Handelsregisterauszüge Butjadingen

Butjadingen ist eine Gemeinde im Landkreis Wesermarsch im nordwestlichen Niedersachsen. Sie liegt auf der gleichnamigen Halbinsel an der deutschen Nordseeküste, die im Südwesten an den Jadebusen, im Westen und Nordwesten an die Innenjade sowie im Osten und im Nordosten an die Weser und deren Mündung grenzt. Zugleich ist die Gemeinde Butjadingen Teil der historischen Landschaft Butjadingen, in der im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit der friesische Stamm der Butjadinger lebte.
6067 (31. Dez. 2021)[1]
04733, 04735, 04736
Adresse der Gemeinde
Butjadinger Straße 59-Burhave26969 Butjadingen